# # Comment: # # Some simple ideas as a basis for meta-analysis plots. # # The code is modular so that something similar could be achieved # with different data quite simply. The actual drawing for these data # only occurs in the last 10 or so lines of code. # # The horizontal gap between columns with content colgap <- unit(3, "mm") # The data for column 1 # # Of course, many other possible ways to represent the data # One advantage with this way is that col1$labels can be used # directly in the calculation of the column widths for the # main table (see below) # # NOTE: textGrobs are used here so that the fontface (bold in # some cases) is associated with the label. In this way, the # calculation of column widths takes into account the font face. col1 <- list(labels= list(textGrob("Centre", x=0, just="left", gp=gpar(fontface="bold")), textGrob("Thailand", x=0, just="left"), textGrob("Philippines", x=0, just="left"), textGrob("All in situ", x=0, just="left", gp=gpar(fontface="bold")), textGrob("Colombia", x=0, just="left"), textGrob("Spain", x=0, just="left"), textGrob("All invasive", x=0, just="left", gp=gpar(fontface="bold")), textGrob("All", x=0, just="left", gp=gpar(fontface="bold"))), rows=c(1, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 16)) # Labels in col 1 which are not used to calculate the # column width (they spill over into col 2) col1plus <- list(labels= list(textGrob("Carcinoma in situ", x=0, just="left", gp=gpar(fontface="bold")), textGrob("Invasive cancer", x=0, just="left", gp=gpar(fontface="bold"))), rows=c(4, 10)) # Data for column 2 col2 <- list(labels= list(textGrob("cases", x=1, just="right", gp=gpar(fontface="bold")), textGrob("327", x=1, just="right"), textGrob("319", x=1, just="right"), textGrob("1462", x=1, just="right", gp=gpar(fontface="bold")), textGrob("96", x=1, just="right"), textGrob("115", x=1, just="right"), textGrob("211", x=1, just="right", gp=gpar(fontface="bold")), textGrob("1673", x=1, just="right", gp=gpar(fontface="bold"))), rows=c(1, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 16)) # Data for column 3 (width specified as a physical size below) col3 <- list(OR=c(0.72, 1.27, 1.17, 2.97, 1.86, 2.01, 1.20), LL=c(0.52, 0.87, 1.03, 1.42, 0.46, 1.09, 1.07), UL=c(1.00, 1.85, 1.32, 6.21, 7.51, 3.71, 1.35), rows=c(5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 16), # "s" means summary, "n" means normal type=c("n", "n", "s", "n", "n", "s", "s")) # Sizes of boxes information <- sqrt(1 / ((log(col3$UL) - log(col3$OR))/1.96)) col3$sizes <- information/max(information) # Width of column 3 col3width <- unit(1.5, "inches") # Range on the x-axis for column 3 col3$range <- c(0, 4) # Function to draw a cell in a text column drawLabelCol <- function(col, j) { for (i in 1:length(col$rows)) { pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row=col$rows[i], layout.pos.col=j)) # Labels are grobs containing their location so just # have to grid.draw() them grid.draw(col$labels[[i]]) popViewport() } } # Function to draw a non-summary rect-plus-CI drawNormalCI <- function(LL, OR, UL, size) { # NOTE the use of "native" units to position relative to # the x-axis scale, and "snpc" units to size relative to # the height of the row # ("snpc" stands for "square normalised parent coordinates" # which means that the value is calculated as a proportion # of the width and height of the current viewport and the # physically smaller of these is used) grid.rect(x=unit(OR, "native"), width=unit(size, "snpc"), height=unit(size, "snpc"), gp=gpar(fill="black")) # Draw arrow if exceed col range # convertX() used to convert between coordinate systems if (convertX(unit(UL, "native"), "npc", valueOnly=TRUE) > 1) grid.arrows(x=unit(c(LL, 1), c("native", "npc")), length=unit(0.05, "inches")) else { # Draw line white if totally inside rect lineCol <- if ((convertX(unit(OR, "native") + unit(0.5*size, "lines"), "native", valueOnly=TRUE) > UL) && (convertX(unit(OR, "native") - unit(0.5*size, "lines"), "native", valueOnly=TRUE) < LL)) "white" else "black" grid.lines(x=unit(c(LL, UL), "native"), y=0.5, gp=gpar(col=lineCol)) } } # Function to draw a summary "diamond" drawSummaryCI <- function(LL, OR, UL, size) { # Not sure how to calc the heights of the diamonds so # I'm just using half the height of the equivalent rect grid.polygon(x=unit(c(LL, OR, UL, OR), "native"), y=unit(0.5 + c(0, 0.25*size, 0, -0.25*size), "npc")) } # Function to draw a "data" column drawDataCol <- function(col, j) { pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=j, xscale=col$range)) grid.lines(x=unit(1, "native"), y=0:1) # Assume that last value in col is "All" grid.lines(x=unit(col$OR[length(col$OR)], "native"), y=0:1, gp=gpar(lty="dashed")) grid.xaxis(gp=gpar(cex=0.6)) grid.text("OR", y=unit(-2, "lines")) popViewport() for (i in 1:length(col$rows)) { pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row=col$rows[i], layout.pos.col=j, xscale=col$range)) if (col$type[i] == "n") drawNormalCI(col$LL[i], col$OR[i], col$UL[i], col$sizes[i]) else drawSummaryCI(col$LL[i], col$OR[i], col$UL[i], col$sizes[i]) popViewport() } } # Draw the table # # The table is just a big layout # # All rows are the height of 1 line of text # # Widths of column 1 and 2 are based on widths of labels in # col$labels and col2$labels pushViewport(viewport(layout=grid.layout(16, 5, widths= unit.c(max(unit(rep(1, 8), "grobwidth", col1$labels)), colgap, max(unit(rep(1, 8), "grobwidth", col2$labels)), colgap, col3width), heights=unit(rep(1, 16), "lines")))) drawLabelCol(col1, 1) drawLabelCol(col1plus, 1) drawLabelCol(col2, 3) drawDataCol(col3, 5) popViewport()