Department of Statistics

BIOSCI 738 Advanced Biological Data Analysis.

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Below description edited in year: 2013

Points: 15

Prereqs: BIOSCI 209 or 15 points from STATS 201, 207, 208

Credit: 40% Examination, 60% Coursework

For Advice: Katya (Kathy) Ruggiero (Email: | extn: 89938), James Russell (Email: | extn: 88745)

Taught: First Semester City

Website: BIOSCI 738 website

Offered by School of Biological Sciences.

Advanced biological data analysis, including analysis of variance with nested and random effects, analysis of covariance, cluster analysis, principal components analysis, multidimensional scaling, and randomization methods. There will be a practical component to this course involving the use of the R statistical software.

Although every reasonable effort is made to ensure accuracy, this information for the course year (2013), is provided as a general guide only for students and is subject to alteration. All students enrolling at the University of Auckland must consult its official document, the University of Auckland Calendar, to ensure that they are aware of and comply with all regulations, requirements and policies.

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