Department of Statistics

STATS 721 Special Topic in Applied Probability

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Below description edited in year: 2013

Points: 15

Prereqs: B in one of STATS 125, STATS 210 or STATS 320 or 320 and 15 points from MATHS 208, 250, 253.

Restrictions: STATS 325

Credit: Exam= 75%, Test= 7%, Assignments= 18% (or if plussage applies, Exam= 92%, Assignments= 8%). Must obtain 70% in specified coursework to qualify for plussage, and at least 50% in the final exam to pass.

Textbooks: Grimmett, G.R. and Stirzaker, D.R., Probability and Random Processes, (OUP 1992)

For Advice: Geoffrey Pritchard (Email: | extn: 87400)

Taught: Second Semester City

Website: STATS 721 website

STATS 721 is taught with STATS 325. This course looks at the theory of stochastic processes, showing how complex systems can be built up from sequences of elementary random choices. STATS 721 is useful for students with interests in Mathematics, Statistics, Operations Research, Finance and Theoretical Biology.

Topics studied include: Generating functions, branching processes, discrete-time Markov chains, random walks. In addition, STATS 721 students conduct independent study of more advanced topics or processes.

Although every reasonable effort is made to ensure accuracy, this information for the course year (2013), is provided as a general guide only for students and is subject to alteration. All students enrolling at the University of Auckland must consult its official document, the University of Auckland Calendar, to ensure that they are aware of and comply with all regulations, requirements and policies.

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