Department of Statistics

STATS 785 Topics in Statistical Data Management

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Below description edited in year: 2017

Points: 15

Prereqs: 15 points from STATS 201, STATS 208, BIOSCI 209

Restrictions: STATS 301

Credit: Assessment: Final exam 60%; coursework 40% (1 test worth 20% and assignments worth 20%), must obtain at least 50% in the coursework and 50% in the final exam to pass. The STATS 785 exam will consist of 10% from chapters 1-6, 15% from Non Linear regression modelling and/or Statistical Bootstrapping along with SAS Macro Language and 75% from Chapters 7-12. STATS 785 assignments to be handed in at class on due dates.

Textbooks: Recommended: The Little SAS Book: a primer (SAS 2003, 3rd edition). This book can be purchased from the Student Resource Centre when in stock

For Advice: Patricia Metcalf (Email: | extn: 82317), Andrew Balemi (Email: | extn: 85713)

Taught: Summer School City, Second Semester City

Website: STATS 785 website

This course includes the material in STATS 301.
It is intended for postgraduate students who have not already passed STATS 301.

One of the key purposes of STATS 785 is to introduce you to the SAS software for the purposes of statistical inference, programming and modeling. SAS is a major commercial statistics package that is used at about 40,000 sites worldwide, and by 4 million users. We will use SAS as a programming language, and some more advanced features of SAS programming.

STATS 785 is designed to be a practical course in the use of SAS in industry, such as, Market Research, Finance and Medicine.

Topics studied include: The general SAS programming environment, reading data into SAS, 'Slicing Dicing and Splicing data' and presenting the data in user friendly formats. Statistical Modelling techniques include linear modelling, multivariate ANOVA, tables of counts.

Although every reasonable effort is made to ensure accuracy, this information for the course year (2017), is provided as a general guide only for students and is subject to alteration. All students enrolling at the University of Auckland must consult its official document, the University of Auckland Calendar, to ensure that they are aware of and comply with all regulations, requirements and policies.

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