1) EITHER: Download the tar file R.all.tar. To untar the file under UNIX/LINUX, type at the UNIX/LINUX prompt: tar -xvf R.all.tar (this creates the directory "Rgamcode" containing all the code and data) ALTERNATIVELY: download each function one by one into the desired directory. This will work under any platform. 2) Start R from working directory Rgamcode. Type > source("startup.func") > startup.func() This reads all relevant functions into R. Read in the example data set with: > cb <- read.table("cb", header=T) All objects can now be removed from the working directory if required. 3) Demonstration analysis on the data set cb. Enter the following commands: > library(mgcv) > # (needed every session to attach the mgcv library) > # If you get an error, read the instructions at > # http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~fewster/gams/R/ > # about installing the library mgcv. > indcb <- indsp.func(cb, c(4, 7, 10, 15, 20, 33)) > # (calculates index curve for a variety of df) > cb.bootind.119.10 <- outer.boot.func(cb, 10, 119, "cb.bootind.119.10") > # (this is the bootstrapping: might take a minute or two for 119 > # replicates) > sp.plot("cb", 10, cb.bootind.119.10, 1, 6, 1, conf=0.95) The other functions were all used invisibly in the demonstration.