Three-D Visualisation and Animation

The OpenGL Library

In this lab we'll look at some fancier visualisation techniques. In particular we'll take a peek at the use of the Silicon Graphics OpenGL graphics library. OpenGL is standard set of graphics utilities which is used in all kinds of applications, from scientific visualisation to gaming.

In R, the interface to this is through the rgl library. You can gain access to rgl with the command


You only need to do this once.

There is a slight bug in the version of rgl installed in the lab and you should "patch" it by pasting the following lines into R.

rgl.quads =
function (x, y, z, ...)
    rgl.primitive("quadrangles", x, y, z, ...)

Once you've done this you are ready to go.

A First Example

As first example. let's construct a simple 3-d plot. We'll do this with the cherry tree data, which gives the volume of timber milled from a tree as a function of its height and girth (thickness).

The first thing we need to do is to load up the data. It is built in to R and we can load it with the command


To get a quick 2-d look at data, produce a scatterplot matrix.


Now let's produce the 3-d plot. The first step is to scale the data so that the units on the x, y, and z axes are comparable. You can do this with the command

trees = scale(trees)

Now we set up some basic lighting to help us see whats going on. We'll place the light 45 degrees to our right (theta) and at an elevation of 45 degrees (phi). We'll also hold the light fixed as the points are moved.

rgl.light(theta = 45, phi = 45, viewpoint.rel=TRUE)

These commands should open a small (emplty) graphics window. You should be able to resize the window by dragging its lower right corner.

Now we'll draw small yellow spheres (radius .1) at the locations of the data points. The specular and ambient parameters describe how the spheres reflect light.

rgl.spheres(trees[,1], trees[,3], trees[,2], r = .1,
            specular = "#FFFFFF",
            ambient = "#222222",

You should now see a set of yellow spheres in the graphics window.

You should now be able to rotate the points in 3-d by dragging on them with the left mouse button pressed. You will also be able to zoom in and out by dragging vertically with the right mouse button pressed. Dragging with the middle mouse button pressed will let you vary the amount of perspective usind in the plot.

To make it easier to orient yourself in the plot we'll add a base area to the plot and drop vertical lines from each of the points to the base. You can do this as follows.

xlims = range(trees[,1])
ylims = range(trees[,2])
zlims = range(trees[,3])

bot = min(zlims[1]) - diff(zlims)/20

          rep(bot, 4),
          col = "gray")

for(i in 1:nrow(trees)) {
            c(trees[i,3], bot),
            rep(trees[i,2], 2),
            color = "white")

Finally, we'll spin the points by programmatically varying the viewpoint. You can do this as follows.

for(i in seq(0, 3 * 360, by = 1)) {
  rgl.viewpoint(theta = i, phi = 0)

This rotation should give you some insight into the structure of the points in 3-d. (Try varying the stepsize - e.g. use by=1 - and changing the number of revolutions from 3 to some larger or smaller value).

Simple Surface Visualisation

As a second example of visualisation, we look at a simple mathematical function -- in this case f(x,y) = x^2 - y^2.

We can define the function and generate its values over an x/y grid as follows.

f = function(x, y)
  (x^2 - y^2)/6
x = seq(-3, 3,length = 21)
y = x
z = outer(x, y, f)

To view the surface we again set up the lighting and then use the rgl.surface function to display it. In this case we'll draw a smooth version of the surface and superimpose the grid on it.

rgl.light(theta = 0, phi = 90)

rgl.surface(y, x, z, color="seagreen", smooth=TRUE,
            specular = "#444444",
            front = "fill",
            back = "fill")

rgl.surface(y, x, z + 0.01, color="black", smooth=TRUE,
            specular = "#000000",
            front = "line")

Again, rotation should you get a better feel for the shape of the surface.

Visualising Terrain

As a final example, lets look at a digital elevation model of Norfolk Island. This model was built as part of a Master's student project to study rainfall on the island.

You can load up the data for the model as follows

heights = smoothed

This reads in the island heights over a grid of x/y locations. Now we'll plot them as a surface, this time using "realistic" terrain colours. First we set up the lighting


Next we set the colours for each "facet" of the grid and finally plot the surface.

ncolors = 100
colorlut = terrain.colors(ncolors)
colorlut[1] = "steelblue"
xg = seq(xlim[1],xlim[2],length=n)
yg = seq(ylim[1],ylim[2],length=n)
ymax = max(heights)
ymin = min(heights)
col = colorlut[1 + (ncolors - 1) * (heights - ymin)/(ymax - ymin)]

rgl.surface(yg, xg, heights, color=col, smooth=TRUE, specular="#000000")

There is also a data set called ni-unsmoothed.R which defines a variable called unsmoothed. This data set contains the heights of the island as read off a contour map. The smoothed data was produced by applying a (stochastic) smoothing technique to the unsmoothed heights.

What You Hand In

This lab is just intended to show you that advanced visualision techniques are really not very scary or hard. Hopefully, in the next couple of years we'll be able to provide free and easy access to these (and more) techniques in R.

Just hand in a short description of what you did and saw.