The Cod Stomachs Data Set

Paul Murrell

Table of Contents

Data format


The data are measurements made on the stomach contents of Atlantic Cod. The data set described herein is provided in a colon-delimited ASCII text file format. This is a small sample from a larger data set with more stomach contents and more variables.


Name: region

NGSL means Northern Gulf of St Lawrence, SGSL means Southern Gulf of St Lawrence

Type: The geographical area where fish were caught.

Name: shipType

Type: integer (min: )

Description: The type of ship (e.g., commercial versus research).

Name: shipID

Type: integer (min: )

Description: Unique ship identifier.

Name: trip

Type: integer (min: )

Description: Trip identifier; unique within a region.

Name: set

Type: real (min: )

Description: Set identifier; unique within a particular ship on a particular trip. A set is, e.g., one set of a fishing net.

Name: fishID

Type: integer (min: )

Description: Unique fish identifier.

Name: fishLength

Type: real (min: 0)

Description: Length of a fish (mm).

Name: preyMass

Type: real (min: 0)

Description: Weight of lump from cod stomach (grams).

Name: preyType

Type: character

Description: Species of lump from cod stomach. Special value Empty means no lumps found in stomach. Rare species gathered together under special label Other.

Data format

The data set is provided as a colon-delimited ASCII text file called cod.txt.

The file CodMeta.xml provides a StatDataML description of the data set.