Figure 5.1
A scatterplot using qplot()
R code
Figure 5.2
A modified scatterplot using qplot()
R code
Figure 5.3
Core components in ggplot2
R code
Figure 5.4
Examples of geoms and aesthetics

R code
Figure 5.5
Examples of scales

R code
Figure 5.6
Scale components in ggplot2
R code
Figure 5.7
Stat components in ggplot2
R code
Figure 5.8
Examples of statistical transformations
R code
Figure 5.9
Examples of grouping
R code
Figure 5.10
Examples of position adjustment

R code
Figure 5.11
Examples of coordinate transformations

R code
Figure 5.12
Coord components in ggplot2
R code
Figure 5.13
Examples of facetting
R code
Figure 5.14
Examples of themes

R code
Figure 5.15
Example annotations
R code