R Graphics Second Edition Errata

  1. p. 18, "several graphics package exist" should be "several graphics package*s* exist" (SK).
  2. p. 30, "Simple calling plot()" should be "Simply calling plot()" (KM).
  3. p. 148, "Specify what graphics shapes, or geoms, that you are going..." should be "Specify the graphics shapes, or geoms, that you are going..." (SK).
  4. p. 150, "... and that the disp variable should be used for the x location and the *and* mpg variable should be used for the y location..." (there is an extra "and") (SK).
  5. p. 151, "This is the reason for the use of the I() function on page 148"; the I() function is actually used on 146, but it is mentioned on 148.
  6. p. 181, "The first expression.." is ambiguous; reworded to explicitly reference the calls to grid.lines() and grid.segments() (SK).
  7. p. 203, "..means that that a viewport..." has an extra "that" (DS).
  8. p. 222, "so it is not feasible to position extra output relative the plot scales." should be "so it is not feasible to position extra output relative *to* the plot scales." (SK)
  9. p. 233, "label" should be "labels" (DS).
  10. p. 311, "When saving graphics that includes"; "includes" should be "include" (SK).
  11. p. 313, "photographs" instead of "photgraphs" (DS).
  12. p. 314, A period is missing after "image is respected" at the top of the page (SK).
  13. p. 323, "gray() (or gray())" should be "grey() (or gray())" (WB).
  14. p. 388, "assocation plots" should be "association plots" (DS).
DS = Denis Shah
KM = Kent Manley
SK = Scott Kostyshak
WB = Will Beasley