png("Web/examples-map.png", width=480, height=693.333333333333) # # Comment: # # A bit of mucking around is required to get the second (whole-world) # map positioned correctly; this provides an example of calling a # plotting function to perform calculations but do no drawing (see the # second call to the map() function). # # Makes use of the "maps" and "mapproj" packages to draw the maps. # library(maps) par(mar=rep(0, 4)) map("nz", fill=TRUE, col="grey80") points(174.75, -36.87, pch=16, cex=2) arrows(172, -36.87, 174, -36.87, lwd=3) text(172, -36.87, "Auckland ", adj=1, cex=2) # mini world map as guide maplocs <- map(projection="sp_mercator", wrap=TRUE, lwd=0.1, col="grey", ylim=c(-60, 75), interior=FALSE, orientation=c(90, 180, 0), add=TRUE, plot=FALSE) xrange <- range(maplocs$x, na.rm=TRUE) yrange <- range(maplocs$y, na.rm=TRUE) aspect <- abs(diff(yrange))/abs(diff(xrange)) # customised to 6.5 by 4.5 figure size par(fig=c(0.99 - 0.5, 0.99, 0.01, 0.01 + 0.5*aspect*4.5/6.5), mar=rep(0, 4), new=TRUE) plot.window(xlim=xrange, ylim=yrange) map(projection="sp_mercator", wrap=TRUE, lwd=0.1, ylim=c(-60, 75), interior=FALSE, orientation=c(90, 180, 0), add=TRUE) symbols(-.13, -0.8, circles=1, inches=0.1, add=TRUE)