png("Web/examples-once.png", width=480, height=240) # # Comment: # # An example of a one-off image drawn using the grid system. # # The code is somewhat modular and general, with functions # for producing different shapes, but the sizes and # locations used in this particular image assume a 2:1 aspect ratio. # # The gradient-fill background (dark at the top to lighter at the # bottom) is achieved by filling multiple overlapping polygons with # slowly changing shades of grey. # pushViewport(viewport(xscale=c(0, 1), yscale=c(0.5, 1), clip=TRUE)) res <- 50 for (i in 1:res) grid.rect(y=1 - (i-1)/res, just="top", gp=gpar(col=NULL, fill=grey(0.5*i/res))) moon <- function(x, y, size) { angle <- seq(-90, 90, length=50)/180*pi x1 <- x + size*cos(angle) y1 <- y + size*sin(angle) mod <- 0.8 x2 <- x + mod*(x1 - x) grid.polygon(c(x1, rev(x2)), c(y1, rev(y1)), default.unit="native", gp=gpar(col=NULL, fill="white")) } moon(.1, .9, .03) star <- function(x, y, size) { x1 <- c(x, x + size*.1, x + size*.5, x + size*.1, x, x - size*.1, x - size*.5, x - size*.1) + .05 y1 <- c(y - size, y - size*.1, y, y + size*.1, y + size*.7, y + size*.1, y, y - size*.1) + .05 grid.polygon(x1, y1, default.unit="native", gp=gpar(col=NULL, fill="white")) } star(.5, .7, .02) star(.8, .9, .02) star(.72, .74, .02) star(.62, .88, .02), .2, 1), runif(20, .6, 1), r=.002, default.unit="native", gp=gpar(col=NULL, fill="white")) hill <- function(height=0.1, col="black") { n <- 100 x <- seq(0, 1, length=n) y1 <- sin(runif(1) + x*2*pi) y2 <- sin(runif(1) + x*4*pi) y3 <- sin(runif(1) + x*8*pi) y <- 0.6 + height*((y1 + y2 + y3)/3) grid.polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(y, rep(0, n)), default.unit="native", gp=gpar(col=NULL, fill=col)) } hill() rdir <- function(n) { sample(seq(-45, 45, length=10), n)/180*pi } grid.text("Once upon a time ...", x=.15, y=.51, just="bottom", default.unit="native", gp=gpar(col="white", fontface="italic", fontsize=10)) popViewport() grid.rect()