"polar.plot" <- function (r, theta, theta.zero = 0, theta.clw = FALSE, method = 1, rlabel.axis = 0, dir = 8, rlimits = NULL, grid.circle.pos = NULL, grid.lwd = 1, grid.col = "black", points.pch = 20, points.cex = 1, lp.col = "black", lines.lwd = 1, lines.lty = 1, polygon.col = NA, polygon.bottom = TRUE, overlay = NULL, pi2.lab = TRUE, text.lab = NULL, num.lab = NULL, rlabel.method = 1, rlabel.pos = 3, rlabel.cex = 1, rlabel.col = "black", tlabel.offset = 0.1, tlabel.cex = 1.5, tlabel.col = "black", main = NULL, sub = NULL) { # r: (vector of) radial data. # theta: (vector of) angular data (in radians). # theta.zero: angular direction on plot of theta = 0 (in radians). # theta.clw: clockwise orientation of theta values (default = FALSE). # # method: (plotting of (r,theta)-data): # 1: points (default) # 2: line # 3: polygon # # rlabel.axis: angular direction on the plot of radial label axis (in radians). # dir: number of radial grid lines (default=8). # rlimts: Interval for radial axis as a numeric vector: c(lower,upper). Interval will be extended by the default use of pretty()-function. (default = NULL). # grid.circle.pos: radial axis position of grid circles as numeric vector of minimum length 2. Overrides the default positioning of grid circles by pretty()-function. (default = NULL). # grid.lwd. grid line width. # grid.col: grid line color. # # points.pch: points plotting symbol. # point.cex: character expansion factor for points. # lp.col: color of points (method 1) or lines (method 2 and method 3). In method 3, set lp.col=0 for polygons without border. # lines.lwd: line width for plotting methods 2 and 3 (default = 1). # lines.lty: line type (default = 1). # polygon.col: color of polygon (defalut = NA). # polygon.bottom: polygon to the back i.e. behind the grid (default = TRUE). # # overlay: NULL (default), no overlay # 1, overlay data on existing plot # 2, overlay data, grid and labels on existing plot. # # pi2.lab: angular labels in radians (0, pi/2, pi, 3*pi/2) (default). # text.lab: angular axis labels from a character vector c("N","E","S","W") (default = NULL). # num.lab: numeric angular axis labels in interval [0;num.lab[ (default = NULL). Number of labels: dir. # # rlabel.method (plotting of radial axis labels): # 0: no radial labels. # 1: labels at pretty radial distances (default). # 2: exclude label at radial distace 0. # 3: exclude label at maximum radial distance. # 4: exclude radial labels at distance 0 and at maximum radial distance. # rlabel.pos: text position of radial axis labels (NULL,1,2,3,4). # rlabel.cex: cex for radial axis labels. # rlabel.col: color of the radial labels. # # tlabel.offset: radial offset for angular axis labels in fraction of maximum radial value (default = 0.1). # tlabel.cex: cex for angular axis labels. # tlabel.col: angular labels color. # # main: plot main title. # sub: plot sub title. fit.rad <- function(x, twop = 2 * pi) { for (i in 1:length(x)) { while (x[i] < 0) x[i] <- x[i] + twop while (x[i] >= twop) x[i] <- x[i] - twop } return(x) } if (is.null(rlimits)) rpretty <- pretty(range(abs(r), 0, na.rm = TRUE)) if (is.numeric(rlimits) & length(rlimits) == 2) rpretty <- pretty(range(abs(rlimits[1]), abs(rlimits[2]))) if (is.numeric(grid.circle.pos) & length(grid.circle.pos) > 1) rpretty <- grid.circle.pos lab.dist <- max(rpretty) if (!is.null(text.lab) || is.numeric(num.lab) || pi2.lab) { lab.dist <- lab.dist * (tlabel.offset + 1) } if (is.null(overlay)) { plot.new() ps <- max(lab.dist, max(rpretty)) plot.window(xlim = c(-ps, ps), ylim = c(-ps, ps), asp = 1) title(main = main, sub = sub) } drawgrid <- function() { if (dir > 0) { rDir <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length = dir + 1)[-(dir + 1)] segments(0, 0, max(rpretty) * cos(rDir), max(rpretty) * sin(rDir), col = grid.col, lwd = grid.lwd) } grid <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 360/4 + 1) for (rad in rpretty) { if (rad > 0) lines(rad * cos(grid), rad * sin(grid), col = grid.col, lwd = grid.lwd) } if (rlabel.method != 0) { if (rlabel.method == 1) radLabels <- 1:length(rpretty) if (rlabel.method == 2) radLabels <- 2:length(rpretty) if (rlabel.method == 3) radLabels <- 1:(length(rpretty) - 1) if (rlabel.method == 4) { if (length(rpretty) > 2) radLabels <- 2:(length(rpretty) - 1) else radLabels <- NULL } if (!is.null(radLabels)) { xpos <- rpretty[radLabels] * cos(rlabel.axis) ypos <- rpretty[radLabels] * sin(rlabel.axis) text(xpos, ypos, rpretty[radLabels], cex = rlabel.cex, pos = rlabel.pos, col = rlabel.col) } } if (!is.numeric(num.lab)) { t.lab <- "" if (pi2.lab & !is.character(text.lab)) t.lab <- expression(0, pi/2, pi, 3 * pi/2) if (!pi2.lab & is.character(text.lab)) t.lab <- text.lab labDir <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length = length(t.lab) + 1)[-(length(t.lab) + 1)] labDir <- fit.rad(theta.zero + (!theta.clw) * labDir - (theta.clw) * labDir) text(lab.dist * cos(labDir), lab.dist * sin(labDir), t.lab, cex = tlabel.cex, col = tlabel.col) } if (!pi2.lab & is.null(text.lab) & is.numeric(num.lab)) { labDir <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length = num.lab + 1)[-(num.lab + 1)] labDir <- fit.rad(theta.zero + (!theta.clw) * labDir - (theta.clw) * labDir) text(lab.dist * cos(labDir), lab.dist * sin(labDir), paste(num.lab * labDir/(2 * pi)), cex = tlabel.cex, col = tlabel.col) } if ((is.character(text.lab) & is.numeric(num.lab)) || (is.character(text.lab) & pi2.lab) || (pi2.lab & is.numeric(num.lab))) print("More than one type of angular labels was requested.") } theta2 <- fit.rad(theta.zero + (!theta.clw) * theta - (theta.clw) * theta) cartesian.rt <- cbind(r * cos(theta2), r * sin(theta2)) if (method == 1) { if (is.null(overlay) || overlay == 2) drawgrid() points(cartesian.rt[, 1], cartesian.rt[, 2], col = lp.col, pch = points.pch, cex = points.cex) } if (method == 2) { if (is.null(overlay) || overlay == 2) drawgrid() lines(cartesian.rt[, 1], cartesian.rt[, 2], lwd = lines.lwd, col = lp.col, lty = lines.lty) } if ((method == 2 || method == 3) & length(r) <= 1) print("More than one data point is needed for line and polygon methods.") if (method == 3) { if (!polygon.bottom & (is.null(overlay) || overlay == 2)) drawgrid() polygon(cartesian.rt, lwd = lines.lwd, col = polygon.col, border = lp.col, lty = lines.lty) if (polygon.bottom & (is.null(overlay) || overlay == 2)) drawgrid() } } png("Web/examples-polar.png", width=480, height=480) # # Comment: # # Examples using high-level plotting functions from the packages # "graphics", "CircStats", and "vcd", plus code contributed in an # email on the R-help mailing list by Kartsen Bjerre (above). # # In each case, additional output has been used to slightly # customize the output from the plotting function and/or # the arguments of the plotting function have been used to # achieve a non-default appearance for the plot. # par(mfrow=c(2, 2), xpd=NA) # Example 3 from stars data(mtcars) stars(mtcars[, 1:7], locations = c(0,0), radius = FALSE, key.loc=c(0,0), main="Motor Trend Cars", col.stars=grey(1:32/33)) points(0, 0, pch=16) # karstenbjerre polar plot par(mar=rep(1, 4)) div<-50 theta <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length = div + 1)[-(div+1)] r<-1:(div) textlabels<-c('N','E','S','W') par(lwd=.1) polar.plot(r, theta, theta.clw = TRUE, theta.zero = pi/2, text.lab = textlabels , pi2.lab = FALSE, lines.lwd = 3, grid.lwd = 1, grid.col = "grey", rlabel.method = 2, rlabel.axis = pi/2, rlabel.pos = NULL, points.pch = 21, tlabel.offset = 0.3) par(lwd=1) # example 2 from rose.diag from CircStats package library(CircStats) data <- runif(50, 0, 2*pi) par(cex=0.5, mar=rep(1, 4)) rose.diag(data, bins = 18, pts=TRUE, prop=2, shrink=1.2) par(cex=1) # Ternary plot # Based on example 1 of help(ternaryplot) library(vcd) par(cex=0.5) data(Arthritis) # Build table by crossing Treatment and Sex tab <- as.table(xtabs(~ I(Sex:Treatment) + Improved, data = Arthritis)) # Mark groups col <- c("black", "black", "black", "black") pch <- c(1, 19, 0, 15) # plot ternaryplot(tab, col = col, border="grey", pch = pch, prop.size = TRUE, bg = "white", grid="solid", grid.color = "grey", labels.color = "grey", main = "") detach("package:vcd") dev.off()