Example 8: large graph

An undirected graph with 21 nodes, 42 edges.

Graph declaration

In all cases the graph is explicitly declared with ellipse shaped nodes. The dot file edges are declared in alphabetical order as this is the (assumed) default for how Rgraphviz will pass edges internally to graphviz.

Dot file for graphviz:

graph { 
  node [shape=ellipse];

  // Left to Right, instead of Top to Bottom

  a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t z;

  a -- { b c d }; 
  b -- { c e }; 
  c -- { e f }; 
  d -- { f g }; 
  e -- h; 
  f -- { h i j g }; 
  g -- k; 
  h -- { o l }; 
  i -- { l m j }; 
  j -- { m n k }; 
  k -- { n r }; 
  l -- { o m }; 
  m -- { o p n }; 
  n -- { q r }; 
  o -- { s p }; 
  p -- { s t q }; 
  q -- { t r }; 
  r -- t; 
  s -- z; 
  t -- z; 

R code for Rgraphviz and gridGraphviz:

# load Rgraphviz library

# nodes
nodes <- c(letters[1:20], "z")

# edges
edgeList <- list(a=list(edges=c("b", "c", "d")),
                 b=list(edges=c("a", "c", "e")),
                 c=list(edges=c("a", "b", "e", "f")),
                 d=list(edges=c("a", "f", "g")),
                 e=list(edges=c("b", "c", "h")),
                 f=list(edges=c("c", "d", "h", "i", "j", "g")),
                 g=list(edges=c("d", "f", "k")),
                 h=list(edges=c("e", "f", "o", "l")),
                 i=list(edges=c("f", "l", "m", "j")),
                 j=list(edges=c("f", "i", "m", "n", "k")),
                 k=list(edges=c("g", "j", "n", "r")),
                 l=list(edges=c("h", "i", "o", "m")),
                 m=list(edges=c("i", "j", "l", "o", "p", "n")),
                 n=list(edges=c("j", "k", "m", "q", "r")),
                 o=list(edges=c("h", "l", "m", "s", "p")),
                 p=list(edges=c("m", "o", "s", "t", "q")),
                 q=list(edges=c("n", "p", "t", "r")),
                 r=list(edges=c("k", "n", "q", "t")),
                 s=list(edges=c("o", "p", "z")),
                 t=list(edges=c("p", "q", "r", "z")),
                 z=list(edges=c("t", "s")))

graph <- new("graphNEL", nodes=nodes, edgeL=edgeList, edgemode="undirected")

Graph rendering:



gridGraphviz (old)

gridGraphviz (new)

>> dot -Tpng ex8.dot -o ex8.png
graphviz output
# create Ragraph object
rag <- agopen(graph, "", attrs=list(node=list(shape="ellipse"),
plot of chunk Rgraphviz-ex8

# create Ragraph object
rag <- agopen(graph, "", attrs=list(node=list(shape="ellipse"),
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
## Warning: Unsupported node shape; using 'box'
plot of chunk gridGraphviz-old-ex8

# create Ragraph object
rag <- agopenTrue(graph, "",
plot of chunk gridGraphviz-new-ex8


gridGraphviz (old) fails to produce ellipse shaped nodes, and produces "extra edges" which extend, in all cases, to the origin.