R Graphics for the Web


Paul Murrell and Simon Potter

The University of Auckland

```{r echo=FALSE} opts_chunk$set(tidy=FALSE, highlight=TRUE) blue <- hcl(240, 80, 60) thrublue <- adjustcolor(blue, alpha=.2) ``` R Graphics for the Web ====================== Problem Statement: *Generate an R plot for the Web* ```{r results="hide", message=FALSE} library(lattice) ``` ```{r results="hide"} latticePlot <- xyplot(mpg ~ disp, mtcars, pch=21, cex=1.5, main="Motor Trend Car Road Tests", col=blue, fill=thrublue, par.settings=list(background=list(col="grey90"))) ``` PNG Graphics ============ ```{r results="hide"} png("plot.png") print(latticePlot) dev.off() ```

![PNG circle](plot.png)

PNG Graphics ============
<img src="plot.png"/>
Pros : * You can produce **any** R plot Cons : * The graphic is **static** * Raster graphics **do not scale** SVG Graphics ============ ```{r results="hide"} svg("plot.svg") print(latticePlot) dev.off() ``` ```{r echo=FALSE, results="hide"} svg("plot.svg", width=7, height=7) print(latticePlot) dev.off() ```

![SVG plot](graphic.svg)

SVG Graphics ============
<img src="plot.svg"/>
Pros : * You can produce **any** R plot * Vector graphics **scale** Cons : * The graphic is **static** * You are **limited to R graphics concepts** gridSVG Graphics ================ ```{r results="hide", message=FALSE} library(gridSVG) ``` ```{r results="hide"} gridsvg("gridsvg-plot.svg", prefix="gridsvg-") print(latticePlot) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} library(XML) cat(saveXML(xmlParse("gridsvg-plot.svg"))) ```
gridSVG Graphics ================
<img src="gridsvg-plot.svg"/>
Cons : * You can only produce **graphics based on grid** Pros : * Vector graphics **scale** * You have access to **SVG concepts** R Graphics ========== ```{r eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE, results="hide", warning=FALSE, message=FALSE} # No longer used svg("r-graphics.svg") library(gridGraphviz) nodes <- c("ggplot2", "lattice", "grid", "graphics", "grDevices", "gridSVG", "PNG", "SVG") gnel <- new("graphNEL", nodes=nodes, edgeL=list(ggplot2=list(edges="grid"), lattice=list(edges="grid"), grid=list(edges=c("grDevices", "gridSVG")), graphics=list(edges="grDevices"), grDevices=list(edges=c("PNG", "SVG")), gridSVG=list(edges="SVG"), PNG=list(), SVG=list()), edgemode="directed") shapes <- rep(c("circle", "box"), c(6, 2)) names(shapes) <- nodes colours <- rep(c("black", "white"), c(6, 2)) names(colours) <- nodes fills <- rep(c("grey", "black"), c(6, 2)) names(fills) <- nodes arrows <- rep("normal", 8) names(arrows) <- edgeNames(gnel) rag <- agopen(gnel, "", attrs=list(graph=list(fixedsize="false")), nodeAttrs=list(shape=shapes, fontcolor=colours, fillcolor=fills), edgeAttrs=list(arrowhead=arrows)) grid.newpage() grid.graph(rag) dev.off() ```

![R Graphics](Rgraphics.svg)

gridSVG: Only grid-based output ================ ```{r results="hide"} png("graphics.png") plot(mpg ~ disp, mtcars) dev.off() ``` ```{r echo=FALSE, results="hide"} png("graphics.png") plot(mpg ~ disp, mtcars, pch=16) grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill=NA)) dev.off() ```

![PNG circle](graphics.png)

gridSVG: Only grid-based output ================ ```{r results="hide", warning=FALSE} gridsvg("graphics.svg") plot(mpg ~ disp, mtcars) dev.off() ``` ```{r echo=FALSE, results="hide"} gridsvg("base.svg", prefix="base-") grid.rect() plot(mpg ~ disp, mtcars) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("base.svg"))) ```
gridSVG: The grid Display List ======= ```{r results="hide"} gridsvg("gridsvg-plot.svg", prefix="gridsvg-") print(latticePlot) dev.off() ``` gridSVG: The grid Display List ======= A grid-based plot ... ```{r fig.keep="none", comment=NA} print(latticePlot) grid.ls() ``` gridSVG: The grid Display List ======= ```{r results="hide"} gridsvg("grid-edit.svg", prefix="grid-edit-") print(latticePlot) grid.edit("lab", grep=TRUE, global=TRUE, gp=gpar(col="grey60")) grid.remove("top|right", grep=TRUE, global=TRUE) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} library(XML) cat(saveXML(xmlParse("grid-edit.svg"))) ```
gridSVG Graphics ================
<img src="gridsvg-plot.svg"/>
Cons : * You can only produce **graphics based on grid** Pros : * Vector graphics **scale** * You have access to **SVG concepts** R Graphics ==========

![R Graphics](Rgraphics.svg)

SVG concepts: Tooltips ================ ```{r results="hide"} gridsvg("tooltip.svg", prefix="tooltip-") print(latticePlot) grid.garnish("points", grep=TRUE, group=FALSE, title=paste("x =", mtcars$disp, " y =", mtcars$mpg)) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} library(XML) cat(saveXML(xmlParse("tooltip.svg"))) ```
SVG concepts: Hyperlinks ======== ```{r results="hide"} gridsvg("hyperlink.svg", prefix="hyperlink-") print(latticePlot) grid.hyperlink("plot_01.main", href="mtcars.html") dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("hyperlink.svg"))) ```
SVG concepts: Hyperlinks ======== SVG concepts: Hyperlinks ======== SVG concepts: Animation ======== ```{r eval=FALSE} gridsvg("animate.svg", prefix="animate-") print(latticePlot) grid.animate("plot_01.xyplot.points.panel.1.1", group=FALSE, "stroke-opacity"=0:1, "fill-opacity"=c(0, .2), duration=mtcars$mpg) dev.off() ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} # Slightly more complex variation that works a bit better # but the code looks worse gridsvg("animate.svg", prefix="animate-") print(latticePlot) grid.animate("plot_01.xyplot.points.panel.1.1", group=FALSE, "stroke-opacity"=0:1, "fill-opacity"=c(0, .2), duration=1 + (mtcars$mpg - min(mtcars$mpg))/5) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("animate.svg"))) ```
SVG concepts: Animation ============
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("gapminderMultiPanel.svg"))) ```
SVG concepts: Gradient Fills ======== ```{r results="hide"} gridsvg("gradient-demo.svg", prefix="gradient-demo-") grid.circle(r=.4, name="circ") gradient <- radialGradient(c("white", "blue", "black"), fx=.3, fy=.7) grid.gradientFill("circ", gradient) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("gradient-demo.svg"))) ```
SVG concepts: Gradient Fills ======== ```{r results="hide"} gridsvg("gradient.svg", prefix="gradient-") print(latticePlot) registerGradientFill("specular", gradient) grid.gradientFill("points", grep=TRUE, group=FALSE, label=rep("specular", nrow(mtcars))) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("gradient.svg"))) ```
SVG concepts: Gradient Fills ======== SVG concepts: Gradient Fills ======== SVG concepts: Pattern Fills ======== ```{r results="hide"} gridsvg("pattern-demo.svg", prefix="pattern-demo-") grid.circle(r=.4, gp=gpar(fill="grey")) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("pattern-demo.svg"))) ```
SVG concepts: Pattern Fills ======== ```{r results="hide"} barplot <- barchart(table(mtcars$gear), par.settings=list(background=list(col="grey90"))) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} gridsvg("barchart.svg", prefix="barchart-") print(barplot) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("barchart.svg"))) ```
SVG concepts: Pattern Fills ======== ```{r results="hide"} gridsvg("pattern.svg", prefix="pattern-") print(barplot) pattern <- pattern(circleGrob(r=.4, gp=gpar(fill="grey")), width=.05, height=.05) registerPatternFill("circles", pattern) grid.patternFill("rect", grep=TRUE, group=FALSE, label=rep("circles", 3)) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("pattern.svg"))) ```
SVG concepts: Pattern Fills ======== SVG concepts: Filters ======== ```{r results="hide"} gridsvg("filter.svg", prefix="filter-") print(latticePlot) blur <- filterEffect(feGaussianBlur(sd=1)) grid.filter("main|lab|tick|border", grep=TRUE, global=TRUE, blur) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("filter.svg"))) ```
SVG concepts: Filters ======== SVG concepts: Clipping Paths ============ ```{r echo=FALSE} set.seed(1) ``` ```{r results="hide"} circles <- circleGrob(r=c(.45, .2), gp=gpar(col=NA, fill=c("grey", "white"))) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} gridsvg("circles.svg", prefix="circles-") grid.draw(circles) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("circles.svg"))) ```
SVG concepts: Clipping Paths ============ ```{r results="hide"} gridsvg("plot-clip.svg", prefix="clip-") cp <- clipPath(circles) pushClipPath(cp) print(latticePlot, newpage=FALSE) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("plot-clip.svg"))) ```
SVG concepts: Clipping Paths ============ SVG concepts: Clipping Paths ============ SVG concepts: Clipping Paths ============ SVG concepts: Masks ============
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("circles.svg"))) ```
SVG concepts: Masks ============ ```{r results="hide"} gridsvg("plot-masked.svg", prefix="clip-") mask <- mask(circles) pushMask(mask) print(latticePlot, newpage=FALSE) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("plot-masked.svg"))) ```
SVG concepts: Masks ============ SVG concepts: Masks ============ SVG concepts: Masks ============ SVG concepts: Masks ============ SVG concepts: Javascript ============ ```{r results="hide"} gridsvg("plot-js.svg", prefix="js-") print(latticePlot, newpage=FALSE) grid.garnish("points", grep=TRUE, group=FALSE, onclick=paste("alert('x =", mtcars$disp, "y =", mtcars$mpg, "')")) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("plot-js.svg"))) ```
SVG concepts: Javascript ============ SVG concepts: Javascript ============ SVG concepts: Javascript ============ Playing ======= ```{r results="hide"} gridsvg("leaf.svg", prefix="leaf-") library(grImport) leaf <- readPicture("fall12.xml") grid.picture(leaf) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("leaf.svg"))) ```
Playing ======= Playing ======= Playing ======= ```{r eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE, results="hide"} outline <- leaf[1]@paths[[1]] exp <- .05 range <- range(leaf@summary@xscale, leaf@summary@yscale) xrange <- range + exp*c(-1, 1)*diff(range) yrange <- xrange leafvp <- viewport(xscale=xrange, yscale=yrange, name="lvp") leafGrob <- function(name="leaf", ...) { pathGrob(x=outline@x, y=outline@y, default="native", vp=leafvp, name=name, ...) } drawLeaf <- function(...) { grid.draw(leafGrob(...)) } veinsGrob <- function(name="veins", ...) { pictureGrob(leaf[-1], exp=0, xscale=xrange, yscale=yrange, name=name) } drawVeins <- function(...) { grid.draw(veinsGrob(...)) } blurAlpha <- feGaussianBlur(input="SourceAlpha", sd=5, result="blur") offset <- feOffset(input="blur", unit(3, "mm"), unit(-3, "mm")) drop <- filterEffect(list(blurAlpha, offset)) fill <- linearGradient(c("black", "red", "yellow")) leaf1 <- gradientFillGrob(leafGrob("leaf-1"), fill) fill2 <- radialGradient(c(rgb(1,0,0,.2), rgb(1,1,0,.4)), stops=c(0, .7)) pg <- polygonGrob(c(.7, 0, 0, 1, 1), c(0, .7, 1, 1, 0)) cp <- clipPath(pg) leaf2 <- clipPathGrob(gradientFillGrob(leafGrob("leaf-2"), fill2), cp) blur <- filterEffect(feGaussianBlur(sd=1)) veins <- filterGrob(veinsGrob("veins"), blur) leafTreeChildren <- gList(leaf1, leaf2, veins) emboss <- filterEffect(list(feConvolveMatrix(kernelMatrix= rbind(c(1,0,0), c(0,1,0), c(0,0,-1))))) leafTree <- filterGrob(gTree(children=leafTreeChildren), emboss) shadow <- filterGrob(gradientFillGrob(leafGrob("leaf-shadow"), fill), drop) leafPattern <- pattern(gTree(children=gList(shadow, leafTree)), width=.05, height=.05) registerPatternFill("leaf", leafPattern) gridsvg("barchart-silly.svg", prefix="silly-") print(barplot) grid.patternFill("rect", grep=TRUE, group=FALSE, label=rep("leaf", 3)) dev.off() ``` ```{r eval=FALSE} gridsvg("barchart-silly.svg", prefix="silly-") print(barplot) grid.patternFill("rect", grep=TRUE, group=FALSE, label=rep("leaf", 3)) dev.off() ```
```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"} cat(saveXML(xmlParse("barchart-silly.svg"))) ```
Summary ======= * Web publishing (HTML) is hot * SVG is cool * gridSVG shows potential * bringing SVG goodness to R * bringing R goodness to SVG Acknowledgements ================ * Many of the new features in 'gridSVG' were implemented by Simon Potter as part of his Masters Thesis * The hyperlinked scatterplot example was from Yale's Environmental Performance Index * The "Price Kaleidoscope" and "linked map" examples were produced by David Banks as part of his BSc Honours Project * The 'lattice' plot with checkboxes and tooltips was produced by David Banks as part of his Masters Project * The leaf image was created by OpenClipArt user Aungkarn Sugcharoun