R Under development (unstable) (2015-03-11 r67980) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2015 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. Natural language support but running in an English locale R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. [Previously saved workspace restored] > > library(knitr) > > knit("gridgraphics.Rhtml") processing file: gridgraphics.Rhtml | | | 0% | |. | 2% ordinary text without R code | |... | 4% label: unnamed-chunk-1 (with options) List of 3 $ echo : logi FALSE $ results: chr "hide" $ message: logi FALSE | |.... | 6% ordinary text without R code | |..... | 8% label: unnamed-chunk-2 (with options) List of 3 $ echo : logi FALSE $ results: chr "hide" $ message: logi FALSE | |...... | 10% ordinary text without R code | |........ | 12% label: unnamed-chunk-3 (with options) List of 5 $ echo : logi FALSE $ results : chr "hide" $ message : logi FALSE $ fig.keep: chr "none" $ warning : logi FALSE Loading required package: grid Loading required package: graph Loading required package: Rgraphviz Attaching package: 'gridSVG' The following object is masked from 'package:grDevices': dev.off | |......... | 14% ordinary text without R code | |.......... | 16% label: unnamed-chunk-4 (with options) List of 1 $ fig.keep: chr "none" | |........... | 18% ordinary text without R code | |............. | 20% label: unnamed-chunk-5 (with options) List of 1 $ fig.keep: chr "none" | |.............. | 22% ordinary text without R code | |............... | 24% label: unnamed-chunk-6 (with options) List of 1 $ eval: logi FALSE | |................. | 25% ordinary text without R code | |.................. | 27% label: unnamed-chunk-7 (with options) List of 1 $ eval: logi FALSE | |................... | 29% ordinary text without R code | |.................... | 31% label: unnamed-chunk-8 (with options) List of 3 $ echo : logi FALSE $ results: chr "hide" $ message: logi FALSE | |...................... | 33% ordinary text without R code | |....................... | 35% label: unnamed-chunk-9 (with options) List of 1 $ eval: logi FALSE | |........................ | 37% ordinary text without R code | |......................... | 39% label: unnamed-chunk-10 (with options) List of 3 $ echo : logi FALSE $ fig.keep: chr "none" $ results : chr "hide" | |........................... | 41% ordinary text without R code | |............................ | 43% label: unnamed-chunk-11 (with options) List of 1 $ echo: logi FALSE | |............................. | 45% ordinary text without R code | |............................... | 47% label: unnamed-chunk-12 (with options) List of 1 $ eval: logi FALSE | |................................ | 49% ordinary text without R code | |................................. | 51% label: unnamed-chunk-13 (with options) List of 3 $ echo : logi FALSE $ fig.keep: chr "none" $ results : chr "hide" | |.................................. | 53% ordinary text without R code | |.................................... | 55% label: unnamed-chunk-14 (with options) List of 1 $ eval: logi FALSE | |..................................... | 57% ordinary text without R code | |...................................... | 59% label: unnamed-chunk-15 (with options) List of 3 $ echo : logi FALSE $ fig.keep: chr "none" $ results : chr "hide" | |........................................ | 61% ordinary text without R code | |......................................... | 63% label: unnamed-chunk-16 (with options) List of 1 $ eval: logi FALSE | |.......................................... | 65% ordinary text without R code | |........................................... | 67% label: unnamed-chunk-17 (with options) List of 4 $ echo : logi FALSE $ results : chr "hide" $ fig.keep: chr "none" $ message : logi FALSE Loading required package: foreign Loading required package: sp Checking rgeos availability: TRUE | |............................................. | 69% ordinary text without R code | |.............................................. | 71% label: unnamed-chunk-18 (with options) List of 1 $ eval: logi FALSE | |............................................... | 73% ordinary text without R code | |................................................ | 75% label: unnamed-chunk-19 (with options) List of 1 $ eval: logi FALSE | |.................................................. | 76% ordinary text without R code | |................................................... | 78% label: unnamed-chunk-20 (with options) List of 1 $ eval: logi FALSE | |.................................................... | 80% ordinary text without R code | |...................................................... | 82% label: unnamed-chunk-21 (with options) List of 1 $ eval: logi FALSE | |....................................................... | 84% ordinary text without R code | |........................................................ | 86% label: unnamed-chunk-22 (with options) List of 1 $ eval: logi FALSE | |......................................................... | 88% ordinary text without R code | |........................................................... | 90% label: unnamed-chunk-23 (with options) List of 5 $ echo : logi FALSE $ results : chr "hide" $ message : logi FALSE $ fig.keep: chr "none" $ error : logi FALSE | |............................................................ | 92% ordinary text without R code | |............................................................. | 94% label: unnamed-chunk-24 (with options) List of 1 $ eval: logi FALSE | |.............................................................. | 96% ordinary text without R code | |................................................................ | 98% label: unnamed-chunk-25 (with options) List of 1 $ eval: logi FALSE | |.................................................................| 100% ordinary text without R code output file: gridgraphics.html [1] "gridgraphics.html" Warning messages: 1: In grid.export("gridGraphics.svg", prefix = "gridGraphics") : Not all element IDs are unique. Consider running 'grid.export' with 'uniqueNames = TRUE'. 2: In grid.export("gridSVG.svg", prefix = "gridSVG") : Not all element IDs are unique. Consider running 'grid.export' with 'uniqueNames = TRUE'. 3: In grid.export("accessible.svg", prefix = "accessible") : Not all element IDs are unique. Consider running 'grid.export' with 'uniqueNames = TRUE'. > > # A little post-processing > html <- readLines("gridgraphics.html") > writeLines(gsub("plot.new has not been called yet", + "\n plot.new has not been called yet", + html), + "gridgraphics.html") > > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 51.803 0.124 52.790