HeatXR Documentation

Data from a heat exchanger laboratory


These data were collected by engineering students at Calvin College. The apparatus consists of concentric pipes insulated from the environment so that as nearly as can be managed the only heat exchange is between the hot and cold water.




A data frame with 6 observations on the following variables.


# We can test for heat exchange with the environment by check to see if the 
# heat gained by the cold water matches the heat lost by the hot water.
C_p <- 4.182 / 60  # / 60 because measureing m in L/min
HeatX2 <- transform(HeatX, 
                Q.cold = m.cold * C_p * (T.cold.out - T.cold.in),
                Q.hot= m.hot * C_p * (T.hot.out- T.hot.in)
HeatX2 <- transform(HeatX2, Q.env = Q.cold + Q.hot)
if (require(mosaic)) {
  stripplot( ~ Q.env, data=HeatX2, alpha=.6, cex=2, jitter.data=TRUE, factor=4)
  t.test( ~Q.env, data = HeatX2 )