# Analysis of the 2008 WFFC data # Concentrates on the log-linear modelling via ZIP, ZAP, ZINB, ZANB, etc. # T. W. Yee (2013) # Nb. Run PoissonAllSectors.R first. # ===================================================================== # Competitor effects; ------------------------------- cfit <- coef(fit.qp) ncfit <- names(cfit) lcfit <- length(cfit) index1 <- (1:lcfit)[ncfit == "finameAlessandroSgrani"] index2 <- (1:lcfit)[ncfit == "finameYoshikoIzumiya"] comest <- c("finameAaronWest"= 0, cfit[index1:index2]) comest <- comest - mean(comest) plot(1:length(comest), comest, type = "b", xlab = "Competitor", ylab = "Centered effects") abline(h = 0, col = "blue", lty = "dashed") slist <- sort.list(comest) scomest <- comest[slist] rev(scomest) # =====================================================================