Rendering Typeset Glyphs in R Graphics

by Paul Murrell, Thomas Lin Pedersen, and Simon Urbanek.

Version 1:

Creative Commons License
This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This document describes a new feature in the R graphics engine to support rendering typeset glyphs. This provides a basis for developing improved text rendering in R graphics.

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

Most statistical plots contain text labels of some sort. For example, the plot below contains axis labels and tick mark labels.

In R (R Core Team, 2023), the user can typically provide character values to customise the labels. For example, the following code provides more readable axis labels.

In addition, R graphics provides several graphical parameters that control the appearance of text, such as the font family, the font face, the font size, and the colour. For example, the following code makes the tick labels and the axis labels bold and grey.

We can also draw individual text elements, with lower-level functions like text(). For example, the following code draws a line from the point representing the Ferrari Dino to a label. The label is drawn using the colour "racing red" (rosso corsa) and the text is left justified relative to the x-value of the data point (and the data point itself is drawn red).

All of the examples so far require only a very simple text-drawing model: all we need to specify is the text to draw, as a character value, where to draw it (including justification), and what font, colour, etc to use.

This model is reflected in the lowest-level user interface for drawing text in the 'graphics' package, which is shown below: x and y provide the location; labels provides the text to draw; adj, pos, and offset are all involved in the justification of the text; and the remaining arguments control the font and colour selection.

text(x, y = NULL, labels = seq_along(x$x), 
     adj = NULL, pos = NULL, offset = 0.5, 
     vfont = NULL, cex = 1, col = NULL, font = NULL, ...)

The alternative low-level graphics system, the 'grid' package, provides a similar user interface.

grid.text(label, x = unit(0.5, "npc"), y = unit(0.5, "npc"),
          just = "centre", hjust = NULL, vjust = NULL, rot = 0,
          check.overlap = FALSE, default.units = "npc",
          name = NULL, gp = gpar(), draw = TRUE, vp = NULL)  

This simple text model is also reflected in the interface between the R graphics engine and graphics devices - the interface that is used by developers of third-party graphics devices as well as for graphics devices provided by R itself: x and y provide the location, str is the text to draw, rot is an angle to draw the text at, hadj describes justification, and gc contains graphical parameter settings (colours, fonts, etc).

dev->text(double x, double y, char *str, double rot, double hadj, 
          pGEcontext gc);

These interfaces are important because they place limits on what the user is able to draw (easily) with R. As a simple example of something that we cannot (easily) do with R, in the plot below we have drawn the label for the Ferrari Dino with just the word "Ferrari" in racing red and using a bold-italic font; the word "Dino" is drawn (plain) black.

This simple modification is not (easily) possible with the text-drawing interface in R because, in the interfaces shown above, we can only specify a single colour and font face for each character value.

In addition to the limitations that the user interface imposes on what users are able to express with R code, the graphics device interface also limits what graphics device authors are able to provide. For example, the PDF language (Adobe Systems Incorporated, 2008) is perfectly capable of changing the colour and font of a word mid-sentence or even mid-word, but the pdf() graphics device cannot offer that level of detail because the R graphics engine will never request it.

This is just a simple example of the limitations of the core R graphics interface for text drawing. Some other limitations include:

The goal of the changes to the R graphics engine that are described in this document is to provide a basis for more sophisticated text output. For example, the changes allow us (with the help of the 'textshaping' package) to layout a paragraph of text within a fixed width, with a mixture of font styles, as shown in the plot below. The plot shows the immigration statistics for Japan covering the period when the COVID pandemic began. The paragraph of text is a quote from the Japanese Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Hiroshi Tabata.1

Histogram of Immigration for Japan Sep 2019 to Dec 2022 (with English labels)

The plot below shows a more ambitious example where (with the help of the 'xdvir' package) we have added the same quote to the same plot, but this time in Japanese with the text typeset vertically (top-to-bottom and right-to-left).2 The y-axis label is also typeset vertically, which is a nice way to save horizontal space without forcing the viewer to turn their head 90 degrees.

Histogram of Immigration for Japan Sep 2019 to Dec 2022 (with vertical Japanese labels)

The next section looks at what needs to happen in order to allow these more sophisticated results to be produced with R and establishes some important terminology. The Current offerings Section looks in more detail at what is currently possible with R and how close (or how far away) we are from sophisticated text output. The Section on Rendering typeset glyphs introduces the new interface that has been added to the R graphics engine (and some graphics devices) for drawing more sophisticated text. The Section on Generating typeset glyphs provides some examples of how the new interface can be built upon and then finally the Section on Integrating typeset glyphs describes additional details about the new interface.

2. Sophisticated text support

There are two main tasks involved in more sophisticated text drawing:

3. Current offerings

The basic text-drawing model in the Introduction was a bit of a straw man. There aleady exist several ways to get around the limitations of that model and get some of the more sophisticated text features in R.

Do it yourself

In the simplest typesetting situations, for example a single line of left-to-right text, all we require in order to arrange text components next to each other is the width of each text component. R graphics provides the strwidth() function (and the graphics device API has dev->strWidth()) for this purpose. In the 'grid' graphics system, there is a stringWidth() function equivalent.

Graphics devices can also return more detailed character metrics on a per-character basis (dev->metricInfo()) and there is a user-level interface in 'grid' (grobAscent() and grobDescent()).

With these functions, it is possible to draw text with different styles and arrange the text components side by side. It is even possible to implement a simple line-breaking algorithm, using spaces as possible break points. For example, the following code draws the word Ferrari in racing red and bold-italic face and then the word Dino in black, with the placement of the word Dino based on the width of the word Ferrari.

However, more sophisticated typesetting is at best a lot of additional work or else it is just not possible. For example, suppose that we want to typeset a word with a style change that occurs between two characters that would normally involve a kerning adjustment. Simply drawing the characters side by side is not a complete solution in that case.

The DIY situation is represented in the diagram below, which indicates that we can only provide blocks of plain text as input to R graphics and, while we could perform some simple arrangements of that text by querying the graphics device for text metrics, it would be very limited. In particular, we can only work with text characters, not glyphs.

In later diagrams, rich text input will be indicated by blue nodes and edges and typeset glyphs will be indicated by green nodes and edges.


The "plotmath" feature in R graphics (Murrell and Ihaka, 2000) provides both (limited) markup and (limited) typesetting for mathematical equations (based on the TeX algorithm; Knuth, 1986).

For example, the following code describes text that involves a change in style (the x is italic), plus a method for inputting characters that are otherwise difficult to type as plain text (the word mu represents the Greek letter μ), and non-left-to-right arrangement of text (the μ is drawn above the 2).

R graphics can perform the typesetting of this rich text, including deciding on which text characters to draw (e.g., mu becomes μ) and calculating where each character should be drawn (e.g., the placement of the μ above the 2).

The diagram below indicates (with blue) that this facility does provide a form of rich text input (in the form of R expressions), although that is quite generous because the possibilities for describing the styling of the output is very limited. However, the typesetting of the resulting mathematical equation still only works with text rather than with glyphs.

The other major limitation of this facility is that it is focused only on mathematical expressions. Additionally, the typesetting only really produces a nice result if a "mathematical" font is used (e.g., the Computer Modern fonts).

'gridtext' and 'ggtext'

The 'gridtext' package (Wilke and Wiernik, 2022b) and its 'ggplot2' (Wickham, 2016) analogue, 'ggtext' (Wilke and Wiernik, 2022a), add basic rich text and basic typesetting on top of the standard R graphics facilities. With these packages, it is possible to describe rich text using a subset of markdown and HTML. The packages also perform the appropriate typesetting to draw the correct result. For example, the following code uses a combination of markdown and HTML (and CSS) markup to draw text with the word "Ferrari" in bold-italic red and "Dino" in black.

The nice thing about these packages is that they provide a convenient interface for describing rich text as well as typesetting the result. The diagram below indicates (with blue) that we again have genuine rich text input. However, the support for the markup languages in the input is only partial and the typesetting still deals in text values rather than glyphs (because of the restrictions imposed by the R graphics engine).

These packages represent a significant step up from the standard R graphics text drawing facilities. However, it is only possible to produce simple typesetting results.

'systemfonts', 'textshaping', and 'ragg'

The most significant contributions of the 'systemfonts' package (Pedersen et al., 2022), in terms of typesetting, are that it allows more detailed specification of fonts, including the selection of font features like optional ligatures, and it can perform font fallback, selecting a substitute font if a required glyph is not available in the user-specified font. The 'systemfonts' package also provides a typesetting facility, but that is overshadowed by the facility that is offered by its big brother, 'textshaping' (Pedersen, 2021).

The primary purpose of the 'textshaping' package is to perform typesetting. Rich text input is converted into a set of glyphs and their locations. With the help of 'systemfonts', this package handles multiple complex issues including ligatures, kerning, and text direction (including bidirectional text). The 'textshaping' package can also perform basic line breaking.

The limitation with 'textshaping' is the lack of a convenient way to describe rich text. At present, the only input format is a set of vectors of text and accompanying font information. The other problem is that R graphics cannot do anything with the raw glyph information that 'textshaping' generates. The graphics engine works with text, not glyphs.

The 'ragg' package (Pedersen and Shemanarev, 2022) does not perform typesetting itself, but it provides graphics devices that make use of both 'systemfonts' and 'textshaping', so are capable of sophisticated typesetting. Even though we cannot feed rich text input to these devices (because of the limitations of the R graphics engine), we can still see glimpses of what they can do. For example, the following code draws text written in Hebrew.3 The important point about this text is that it should be written from right-to-left. Even without any rich text mark up, the 'textshaping' package can detect the correct direction of the text and typeset it appropriately.

By way of contrast, the code and image below show the result of attempting to draw this text on an X11 (non-Cairo) graphics device. Notice that the Hebrew is incorrectly drawn left-to-right.

The 'ragg' package benefits from direct use of 'textshaping' because it can send text to 'textshaping' and get back raw glyph information to draw.

The diagram below indicates (with green) that the 'ragg' package graphics devices, thanks to the 'textshaping' package, are able to perform serious typesetting operations involving glyphs. The limitation here is that 'ragg' can only receive input from the R graphics engine, so it cannot work with rich text (because the graphics engine only sends plain text to graphics devices). Another issue is that this only (currently) works for the 'ragg' devices, although other graphics devices could choose to make use of 'textshaping' if they wish.


The 'dvir' package (Murrell, 2023a) is an experimental package that is not on CRAN, and has only been tested on Linux, but it is included here to provide an alternative example of a package that can perform sophisticated typesetting.

The 'dvir' package takes LaTeX code as input, which means that it can work with very rich text, and it makes use of one the main TeX engines (pdftex or luatex; Thành, 2023; The LuaTeX team, 2023) to perform typesetting, which means that it can produce a very wide range of results (including hyphenation, multi-column text, not to mention mathematical equations). For example, the following code uses LaTeX markup to draw text with the word "Ferrari" in bold-italic red and "Dino" in black.

The output from the TeX typesetting is a DVI file, which is essentially a set of typeset glyph information. The 'dvir' package is able to read the glyph information from a DVI file, but it then hits difficulties because R graphics cannot work with typeset glyph information. The package has to do a lot of work to turn the glyph information from a DVI file back into text so that it can feed text into R graphics functions to draw the TeX result. There are also issues with making use of the detailed font information in a DVI file (given that R graphics can only cope with a simplistic font description).

An example of the glyph-to-text problem is that, while some glyphs can be represented in text, e.g., "fi" can be expressed as a UNICODE character "\uFB01", some glyphs have no recognised representation e.g., there is no UNICODE code point for the "ti" ligature.4

The diagram below indicates (with blue and green) that the 'dvir' package, thanks to its dependence on TeX, can work with (very) rich text input that is properly typeset in terms of precisely placed glyphs. However, the 'dvir' package is hamstrung by having to convert from typeset glyph information back to text in order to work with the R graphics system.

The 'dvir' package suffers from several other serious limitations, including: the dependence on a (substantial) TeX installation; the fact that the user has to write LaTeX to describe the rich text input; and the fact that 'dvir' only works with some graphics devices (e.g., the Cairo-based graphics devices).

What is missing?

The existing packages described above show that a lot of the necessary pieces that are required to draw more sophisticated text in R exist in one form or another. What is required in order to bring all of the pieces together?

The simple summary is that we cannot do everything we want to because the R graphics engine does not allow rich text to pass through to graphics devices and the R graphics engine does not allow typeset glyph information to pass through to graphics devices.

The obvious solutions are: allow rich text to pass through to graphics devices and/or allow typeset glyphs to pass through to graphics devices. Allowing rich text requires several issues to be resolved: What sort of rich text should be allowed and how will that be passed through? Should there be a single rich text format or should we allow multiple formats (with possibly large implications for graphics devices)? At this stage, there is no strong consensus on these issues, so we have just focused on the second part of the problem: allowing typeset glyphs to be passed through. This allows multiple rich text formats and multiple typesetting engines to be accommodated and it is a much simpler task to decide on a single structure for passing information about typeset glyphs from the R graphics engine to graphics devices.

The following section describes the new interface in R graphics that allows typeset glyph information to be passed to the graphics engine, which then passes it on to graphics devices for rendering. The Section on Generating typeset glyphs describes some early experiments with packages for generating typeset glyph information that can take advantage of this new graphics interface.

4. Rendering typeset glyphs

This section describes the new user interface and the new graphics device interface that allows typeset glyph information to be passed through to graphics devices.

The user interface

The first step is to describe a set of typeset glyphs. This is achieved via the grDevices::glyphInfo() function, along with additional support from the grDevices::glyphFont() function (at least).

glyphInfo(id, x, y, font, size, fontList, 
          width, height, hAnchor, vAnchor,

The id argument is a vector of glyph identifiers. These are numeric indices into the list of glyphs within a font; rather than specifying text to draw, we specify individual glyphs. For example, the following ids specify the 70th, 434th, 559th, etc glyphs within a font (though not necessarily the same font). What those ids mean will depend entirely on the fonts that we use. There may be repetitions of some glyphs, e.g., the id 559 occurs several times, but only if those glyph identifiers refer to the same font.

The x and y arguments to glyphInfo() provide the locations at which to draw the glyphs. These locations are in points (1/72 inches). For example, the following locations describe a horizontal, left-to-right placement of the glyphs (the x values increase monotonically and the y values are constant).

The font argument to glyphInfo() describes the font to use, though this is only an integer index into the fontList argument, which contains the real font information (see below). The size argument to glyphInfo() is the size at which to draw the glyphs (in points). For example, the following font indices and sizes specify that the first seven glyphs all come from the same font (the first font in the fontList) and the remaining five glyphs all come from a different font (the second font in the fontList). The glyphs are all at the same font size (12pt).

The fontList argument to glyphInfo() is a list of fonts (that the font argument refers to). Each component of the list should be constructed using the glyphFont() function and the overall list of fonts should be constructed using glyphFontList().

glyphFont(file, index, family, weight, style, PSname=NA)

The glyphFont() function specifies a font in precise detail via a font file, an integer index (if the font file contains more than one font), plus a family font name, a numeric weight, and a character style. For example, the following code describes two versions of the Google font "Montserrat", one bold and italic and one plain. These fonts are distributed as part of the 'grDevices' package.

Going back to glyphInfo(), the width and height arguments describe a bounding box around the glyphs. These will become more relevant later, as will the hAnchor and vAnchor arguments, which can be left missing in simple cases (see the Section on Integrating typeset glyphs). The following width and height provide a bounding box for the glyphs in our example.

Finally, the col argument provides a colour for each glyph. A value of NA means that the colour can be set at drawing time (see the Section on Integrating typeset glyphs). In this case, we specify that the first seven glyphs should be drawn in racing red.

We now have all that we need to create a complete set of glyph information. The following code describes a set of twelve glyphs from two Montserrat fonts, with the glyphs typeset horizontally from left-to-right.

All we need to do now is draw the glyphs. This is achieved using the grid::grid.glyph() function (there is no interface for the 'graphics' package at this stage).

           x = .5, y = .5, default.units = "npc",
           hjust = "centre", vjust = "centre",
           gp = gpar(), vp = NULL, name = NULL)

The only required argument to grid::grid.glyph() is the glyphInfo, as produced by the glyphInfo() function. The glyphs will be drawn by default in the centre of the current 'grid' viewport. For example, the following code draws the set of glyphs that we constructed above. We can now finally see that the glyphs that we have typeset spell out "Ferrari Dino".

The graphics device interface

The new user interface for rendering typeset glyphs is mirrored in a new interface between the R graphics engine and graphics devices. This interface is slightly simpler because it only deals with a set of glyphs that have a common font, size, colour, and rotation. The font argument is an R object, with C-level accessors provided, such as R_GE_glyphFontFile().

dev->glyph(int n, int *glyphs, double *x, double *y, 
           SEXP font, double size,
           int colour, double rot, pDevDesc dd);

The diagram below indicates (with green) that the R graphics engine can now pass typeset glyph information through to graphics devices. So far, support for this feature has been added to Cairo-based devices, the pdf() device, the quartz() device, and the devices provided by the 'ragg' package (in an experimental fork).

5. Generating typeset glyphs

The previous section described the information that can now be provided to R in order to draw typeset glyphs. We now turn to the problem of generating that typeset glyph information. How do we generate sensible glyph indices, x/y locations, and detailed font descriptions? This is the job of a "typesetting engine". R itself does not offer a typesetting engine at this stage, so this is an area where third party packages can be developed. This section looks at two packages that can already be used to provide us with typeset glyph information.

The 'textshaping' package

The 'textshaping' package was mentioned previously in the context of providing typesetting support for the 'ragg' package. The 'ragg' package only makes use of a subset of the typesetting capabilities of the 'textshaping' package because 'ragg' is only ever sent plain text from the graphics engine, so it can only send plain text on to the 'textshaping' package. However, 'textshaping' also provides an R-level interface for typesetting text via the shape_text() function.

This interface allows us to submit a limited form of rich text, consisting of multiple text items, each with its own style (font information), plus overall layout information such as a maximum width and paragraph indenting.

The result of a call to shape_text() is a set of typeset glyph information. For example, the following code typesets the word "Ferrari" and the word "Dino" using two 12pt Montserrat fonts.

As demonstrated in the previous section, the result above provides all of the information that we need to feed the new typeset glyph interface, glyphInfo() and then grid.glyph(), in order to render this result.

The shape_text() function does not (yet) provide access to all of the capabilities of the 'textshaping' package. See the "Modern Text Features in R" blog post for more details and examples.

The diagram below indicates (with blue and green) that we can now use 'textshaping' to input rich text (in a limited format) and produce typeset glyph information. The typeset glyphs can then pass through the graphics engine to graphics devices, both those internal to R and third-party devices.

This is the workflow that was used to layout the text quote from Hiroshi Tabata within the bar plot of Japanese immigration data in the Introduction.

The 'xdvir' package

The 'xdvir' package (Murrell, 2023b) is an evolution of the 'dvir' package that is under active development (on github). Like 'dvir', the 'xdvir' package can read DVI files, as produced by the TeX typesetting system.

In this scenario, we can work with very rich text in the form of LaTeX code. For example, the LaTeX code below describes text with the word Ferrari in bold italic racing red and the word "Dino" in a plain font.

The result of typesetting that rich text is a DVI file that contains typeset glyph information; which glyphs to draw from which fonts and where to draw them. For example, the output below shows (part of) the DVI file that is produced by typesetting the LaTeX code above (using the LuaTeX engine).

The 'xdvir' package extracts values from that DVI information to feed into the new typeset glyph interface, glyphInfo(), and then on to grid.glyph() to render the result. The difference from the 'dvir' package is that the typeset glyph information from a DVI file can now be passed directly to R; there is no longer a need to convert glyphs back into text in order to make things digestible by the R graphics engine.

The diagram below indicates (with blue and green) that, with 'xdvir', we can make use of the TeX system to write rich text and to produce typeset glyph information. The typeset glyphs can then pass through the graphics engine to graphics devices, both those internal to R and third-party devices.

The potential value of the 'xdvir' package is very large because the TeX system can be used to perform a wide range of sophisticated typesetting tasks. For example, this workflow was used to produce the vertical Japanese text in the plot of Japanese immigration data in the Introduction. However, at the time of writing, the 'xdvir' package has only been developed to the point of demonstrating a few specific DVI files.

6. Integrating typeset glyphs

The examples in the Section on Rendering typeset glyphs showed the information that is required to specify a set of typeset glyphs. However, that section did not address the issue of locating the typeset glyphs within an R plot. A call to grid.glyph() will by default just centre the glyphs within the current 'grid' viewport. In this section, we look at how to control the placement of typeset glyphs in more detail.

Positioning typeset glyphs

The grid.glyph() function has arguments x and y to specify the location of the typeset glyphs and hjust and vjust to specify the justification of the typeset glyphs relative to that location. For example, the following code draws the typeset glyphs left justified relative to the left edge of the current viewport.

The horizontal justifications "left", "centre", and "right" (and "center") are always available (and "bottom" and "top" for vertical justification), but it is also possible to specify other "anchor" points. This requires specifying the anchor points as part of the call to glyphInfo() and using the glyphAnchor() function.

In order to demonstrate the idea of different anchors, the diagram below shows a detailed view of just the typeset glyphs that spell the word "Dino". In this diagram, there are four glyphs typeset horizontally; the locations at which the glyphs are drawn - the glyph "origins" - are represented by small black dots. The blue rectangles show that each glyph has a width that determines where the subsequent glyph will be placed (modulo kerning). This leads to a simple idea of "left", the origin of the first glyph, and "right", the location where the next glyph would be placed after the last glyph, with a "centre" point half way between. These provide the basis for the default horizontal justification anchor points.

However, the red rectangles in the diagram show that each glyph also has a tight bounding box around the actual rendered extent of the glyph. The "ink" used to draw the "D" glyph only begins to the right of the glyph origin and does not extend as far to the right as the width of the glyph. This is repeated to varying degrees by the three other glyphs. This leads to the idea of other possible horizontal anchor points, such as the leftmost and rightmost positions where ink is drawn, denoted by "inkleft" and "inkright" on the diagram.

In the vertical direction, we have simple bottom and top anchor points that represent font-level bounds, akin to line height, but there are also other possible anchor points, "inkbottom" and "inktop", that are based on the tight bounding boxes of the glyphs. Another very important alternative anchor point is the "baseline" of the text; this is the y location that would be used to vertically align this text with another set of (horizontally typeset) glyphs. Note that the "inkbottom" anchor is very slightly lower than the "baseline" anchor because the bottom edge of the "o" dips a tiny amount below the baseline.

A diagram of the detailed metrics of a set of glyphs that spell the word 'just'

By default, the "Dino" glyphs will be centred on the current 'grid' viewport. More specifically, the "centre" horizontal anchor and the "centre" vertical anchor will be aligned with the centre of the viewport (as indicated by grey lines in the image below).

The hAnchor and vAnchor arguments to glyphInfo() allow additional anchor points to be specified by supplying a call to the glyphAnchor() function and providing both a location and a label for each anchor point. For example, the following code snippet shows part of a call to glyphInfo() that specifies multiple vertical anchors as represented in the diagram above.

With those anchor points specified, we can align any of the anchor points with an x/y location within a 'grid' viewport. For example, the following code renders the "Dino" glyphs and aligns the "bottom" anchor with the vertical centre of the current viewport (indicated by a grey horizontal line).

The following code repeats the render, but this time aligns the "baseline" anchor with the centre of the viewport.

It is also possible to specify horizontal or vertical justification as a numeric value. In this case, 0 corresponds to left/bottom-justification, 0.5 to centre-justification, and 1 to right/top-justification. For example, the following code renders the "Dino" glyphs with vjust=0, which is the same as vjust="bottom".

However, rather than being limited to a finite set of named anchor points, numeric justification allows us to specify any value. For example, the following code specifies vjust=0.4. What this means is that the y location for the glyphs will be aligned with a position 0.4 of the way up the height of the glyphs.

Even greater flexibility is possible because, as well as being able to define additional anchors as part of a set of typeset glyphs, we can define additional widths and/or heights. This information is supplied to the glyphInfo() call, using the glyphWidth() and/or glyphHeight() function and providing width or height values, a label for each width or height, and a label that identifies a horizontal anchor for the left of each width (or a vertical anchor for the bottom of each height). For example, the following code snippet shows part of a call to glyphInfo() that specifies multiple heights as represented in the diagram above.

Given multiple heights, we can provide a numeric justification and select the particular height that the justification is relative to with the glyphJust() function. For example, the following code specifies a numeric justification of 0 relative to the "ascent" height. This is equivalent to vjust="baseline".

The following code demonstrates that, as well as selecting any value between 0 and 1, it is also possible to use numeric justifications outside the 0 to 1 range. Here we are aligning the "baseline" of the typeset glyphs one full "ascent" height above the middle of the current viewport.

Graphical parameters

Like most 'grid' functions, the grid.glyph() function has a gp argument for setting graphical parameters such as colour and line type. However, grid.glyph() ignores most graphical parameter settings because they have already been determined for the typeset glyphs. In particular, fontfamily, fontface, and fontsize have no effect on typeset glyphs.

The one exception is the col (colour) setting. The col argument to glyphInfo can contain NA values, in which case, the colour of the glyphs will be taken from the gp setting in grid.glyph() (or the current inherited settings). For example, the glyphs that we constructed in the Section on Rendering typeset glyphs specifed the colour rossoCorsa for the first seven glyphs, but NA for the last five glyphs. In the following code, we render those glyphs again, specifying col="grey", so the last five glyphs are all drawn grey.

7. Summary

This document describes the addition of an R graphics interface for rendering typeset glyphs. This is largely groundwork for others to build upon. There are two large problems to still resolve: an interface that allows the user to enter rich (marked up) text; and a typesetting engine that can layout the rich text to produce a set of typeset glyphs. The packages 'textshaping' and 'xdvir' that are mentioned in this document are examples of the sort of development that can now take place to bring sophisticated text layout to R.


For users and developers wanting to experiment with the new capabilities, there are several important limitations:

8. Technical requirements

The examples and discussion in this report relate to R version 4.3.0, plus the following packages: 'dvir' version 0.4-0 (experimental "glyphs" branch); 'textshaping' version 0.3.6; 'ragg' version 1.2.5; 'gridtext' version 0.1.5; and 'xdvir' version 0.0-1.

This report was generated within a Docker container (see Resources section below).

9. Resources


1 This quote was made during a press conference on January 6, 2022, although that information was generated in a conversation with ChatGPT, so it is not clear that this quote is real; it could have been constructed by ChatGPT. The Japanese version of the quote was also generated by ChatGPT so there is no claim made as to its accuracy, though Google Translate suggests that it is not too far from sensible.

2 The data for this plot was taken from the Statistics Bureau of Japan via their Statistics Dashboard, which has both an English and Japanese version. The title and y-axis label were also copied from those sites so they are presumably reasonable translations of the English (and vice versa).

3 This is a Google Translate translation of "Ferrari Dino" into Hebrew. I have no ability to read or write Hebrew, so I can only apologise for what Google Translate has produced.

4 And apparently ligatures like it never will be added to UNICODE.


This work was partly funded by a donation from R Studio to the University of Auckland Foundation.

How to cite this report

Murrell, P., Pedersen, T. L., and Urbanek, S. (2023). "Rendering Typeset Glyphs in R Graphics", Technical Report 2023-01, Department of Statistics, The University of Auckland. Version 1. [ bib | DOI | http ]

10. References

[Adobe Systems Incorporated, 2008]
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This document by Paul Murrell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.