The Project

Wiki New Zealand

Wiki New Zealand

What do you need to connect people with data?

Few individuals possess all of these

Wiki New Zealand

Wiki New Zealand

Some problems:

Some solutions:

The openapi Project

Some problems:

Some solutions:


openapi is NOT visual programming

openapi is NOT visual programming

openapi is NOT visual programming

openapi is Data and Scripts



openapi is Modules

openapi is Pipelines

openapi is a Glue System

openapi is ...

An openapi example

Andrew Balemi wanted to add an annotation to the Wiki New Zealand plot of NZ birth rate to show the end of World War II (the onset of the baby boomers)

An openapi example

An openapi example

An openapi example

An openapi example

Another openapi example

Scripts can be in any programming language

Another openapi example

Another openapi example

Another openapi example

Another openapi example

Yet another openapi example

Yet another openapi example

What if all of the New Zealand Youth (18-24) who did NOT vote in 2011 all voted for the Internet Party in 2014?

Yet another openapi example

What do I need?

Yet another openapi example

The accessibility of the data is problematic

Yet another openapi example

The accessibility of the data is problematic

Yet another openapi example

What if there was a nice web site that already made pictures of these data?

Yet another openapi example

What if there was a nice web site that already made pictures of these data?

Yet another openapi example

What if those pictures were part of a modular and reusable framework?

Yet another openapi example

Yet another openapi example

Yet another openapi example

What if you could search for an existing script?
Or request a script?
Or request a module wrapper for an existing script?
Or write your own wrapper on an existing script?

Yet another openapi example

The purple wedge shows what proportion of the overall vote the Internet Party would get.

Yet another openapi example

Yet another openapi example

Where did I get 5.51 from?
My statement is informed
We can share and remix the data and the code
Our discussion can be informed


References and links


openapi wants to be ...

openapi could be (with funding) ...

openapi challenges