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Ross Ihaka > Papers and Talks

Papers and Talks

Selected Papers:

R: Lessons Learned, Directions for the Future.
In JSM Proceedings 2010, Statistical Computing Section.
Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.
(Lecture Slides)

Customizing Sweave to Produce Better Looking LaTeX Output.
Handout for Statistics 782 Course (2010 Version).
It's not published, but people keep asking for it.

Back to the Future: Lisp as a Base for a Statistical Computing System.
With Duncan Temple Lang.
Invited Paper, Compstat 2008.
August 25, 2008, Porto, Portugal.
(Lecture Slides)

Colour for Presentation Graphics.
Plenary Lecture, DSC 2003.
March 20, 2003, Vienna, Austria.
(Lecture Slides)

Lexical Scope in Statistical Computing.
With Robert Gentleman.
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics,
9, pp. 491--508.

R: Past and Future History.
Proceedings of the 30th Symposium on the Interface.
S. Weisberg Ed., pp. 392-396.
The Interface Foundation of North America. 1998.

R: A Language for Data Analysis and Graphics.
With Robert Gentleman.
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics,
5:3, pp. 299-314. 1996.

Recent Talks:

Towards a New Statistical Computing System.

With Brendan McArdle.

Joint Australian Statistical Conference 2014/IMS Annual meeting

Sydney, July 10.

Graphical Perception as a Basis for Drawing Graphs.
University of Queensland.
February 14, 2014.

Bill Venables, S and R.
University of Queensland.
February 13, 2014.

Drawing Piecewise Smooth Curves with Handouts.
NZSA Meeting, Waikato University.
November 25, 2013.

How a Computational Specialist Contributes to the Deployment of
Statistical Methodology
with Handouts.
Symposium on the Use of Statistics in Food Processing, Napier.
November 24-25, 2011.

R Functions: Things Your Mother (Probably) Didn't Tell You with Handouts.
Waikato R User's Group, Waikato University.
October 16, 2011

The R Project: A Brief History and Thoughts About the Future.
University of Otago.
April 20, 2011.

Lessons Learned: Directions for the Future.
ASA Statistical Computing and Graphics Award.
Joint Statistical Meetings.
August 4, 2010, Vancouver.

Writing Efficient Programs in R (and Beyond) with handouts.
Invited Talk, IBS Australasian Region Conference.
November 30, 2009, Taupo.

The R Project: A Brief History and Thoughts About the Future
with handouts.
Massey University Statistics Day.
October 23, 2009, Massey University, Palmerston North.

The R Project with handouts.
Auckland Analytics Forum
June 10, 2009, Deloittes, Auckland.

R: Past and Future History with handouts.
Kingitanga Day, University of Waikato.
April 21, 2009, Hamilton.

R: Past and Future History with handouts.
New Zealand Qualifications Authority.
April 3, 2009, Wellington.

R: Past and Future History with handouts.
Wellington Statistics Group.
April 2, 2009, Wellington.

Developing a "Next Generation Statistical Computing Environment".
Ross Ihaka and Duncan Temple Lang.
Invited talk, 7th World Congress in Probability and Statistics
July 14, 2008, Singapore.